Proposals to Build Children’s Hospital Qualified

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

Acciona Construcción, S.A.’s proposal was the best qualified in the tender for the construction and equipment of the new Children’s Hospital in Panama.

The CAMCE Consortium’s proposal totaled $613 million and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. was $614 million, both presented at the public ceremony held on April 15.

See “Two Proposals for Hospital Work

According to the report of the Evaluation Commission, published on May 22, 2019 in the portal PanamaCompra, the proposal of the CAMCE Consortium obtained a 72 score and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. was 87.92.

After having qualified the proposals, Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. is the virtual winner of the tender, however, there is still a possibility that claims will be made.

Paul Gallardo, director of the Children’s Hospital, explained to that “… now it is necessary to wait for the time established by Law 22 of June 2007 (on public contracts) for the companies that participated in the process to make the claims they consider. If no claim action is filed, Minsa will be able to award the project.

See award details.