Project Management of Cruise Terminal Awarded

News from Panama / Monday, January 30th, 2017


The company Proyectos, Ejecución y Control de Obras S.A. won the contract for technical assistance and project management of construction of the cruise terminal in Amador, Panama.

Three companies submitted bids in the tender: Proyectos Bellinger S.A., CEMOSA (Panama) and the winner of the contract, Proyectos, Ejecución y Control de Obras S.A., whose economic proposal was $2,250,000.

The proposal submitted by Proyectos Bellinger was rejected during the process of receiving bids because it did not contain the bond required in the request for proposals. Initially 25 companies had expressed interest in the project. 

The tender for the design and construction of the cruise terminal in Perico Island, Amador, is still in progress. Receipt of bids is scheduled for January 31.