Presidents of business guilds and lawyers associations support the creation of the Commission for the Defense of the International Financial Services System

News from Panama / Friday, May 24th, 2024

Several presidents of business and lawyers’ associations consider necessary and positive the creation of the Commission for the Defense of the International Financial Services System, recently announced by President-elect José Raúl Mulino.

Moisés Cohen, president of the Council of International Services of Panama (COSIP), assured that this commission will have the full support of his organization. “We are committed to analyzing, protecting and defending Panama’s international financial services to improve them,” Cohen said.

The Inter-American Council on Trade and Production (CICYP) also stands in solidarity with the creation of this commission. Its president, Camilo Valdés, stressed the importance of the issue and suggested that the Commission be installed in the Ministry of the Presidency.

Maritza Cedeño, president of the National Bar Association (CNA), acknowledged that President-elect Mulino has a detailed knowledge of the problems and difficulties faced by the international systems offered by Panama. “We welcome the initiative to create this Commission,” Cedeño said.