President Cortizo signs a decree regulating the medical use of cannabis in Panama

News from Panama / Friday, September 2nd, 2022

The President of the Republic of Panama, signed on Wednesday two executive decrees that regulate Law 242 of October 13, 2021, which regulates the medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis and its derivatives in the country.

The decree creates a regulatory framework that allows the use of supervised and controlled access to medical cannabis and its derivatives for therapeutic, medical, veterinary, scientific and research purposes in Panama.

The regulations will apply to legal entities that import, export, sow, grow and market cannabis and its derivatives for medicinal or scientific purposes.

In addition, the data of patients enrolled in the National Program for the Study and Medicinal Use of Cannabis are protected.

Cortizo also signed another decree that creates the national direction for the monitoring of the administrative and operational activities required for the implementation of Law 242.

This address, attached to the Ministry of Security (Minseg), will be composed of officials from the National Police, the National Air and Naval Service, the National Border Service and liaisons of the ministry specialized in security.

It will be responsible for monitoring activities related to medical cannabis; it will help control and surveillance units in field visits and inspections in areas that will be used for activities related to the management of medicinal cannabis derivatives and the use of seeds for planting and cultivation.

It will also ensure compliance with the guidelines for the development of safety protocols, by those interested in obtaining the license to manufacture medical cannabis.

Cortizo explained that the regulations establish the controls for the issuance of health records and in the process of selection so that the granting of licenses are transparent and widely involved.

He stressed that the project only allows the use of medical cannabis derivatives to people who require it due to specific health conditions, which will be controlled and supervised through a rigorous and reliable patient registration system.

The marketing of the products will be done under strict import control, with a traceability program that includes monitoring from the cultivation areas to the laboratories, and final points of sale, he said.

The purpose of all this is for Panama to have the best management model for the medical cannabis industry. Our intention is to promote in the medium and long term the establishment of local and foreign companies that can supply the domestic market using raw material produced in Panama,” Cortizo said.

While this is happening, Cortizo pointed out that the import of cannabis-based medicines, pharmaceuticals and finished products will be authorized, which allow to meet the needs of patients during the first two years, from the entry into force of the regulation.

In addition, he said that they are inviting research centers with worldwide recognition, specialized institutes and universities to establish themselves in Panama, with the aim of carrying out clinical studies.

The law regulating the medicinal and therapeutic use of cannabis and its derivatives in the country was passed by President Cortizo in October 2021.

It can be used, among other pathologies, for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, autism, HIV, arthritis and AIDS.