The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, gave an award to 22 members of the Joint Task Force of the Search and Rescue Group (USAR – Panama) who participated in the search, rescue and rescue operations of survivors after the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that devastated part of southeastern Turkey, on February 6.
President Cortizo Cohen thanked God because all those who left the country risking their lives returned to Panama.
“I am honored to receive you here in the Presidency, which is the home of all Panamanians, to recognize the courage and determination they have put into the rescue mission to help the brothers of Turkey, during the human tragedy caused by the earthquake,” he said.
The head of the Executive thanked the rescuers, their institutions, for the dedication and professionalism they demonstrated during the rescue work, working shoulder to shoulder with the rescuers of other countries.
“The lived experience must reaffirm the importance of preparation, rigorous training and discipline, which are indispensable to respond effectively when your help is required. They must feel satisfied and proud to have represented the noble and supportive spirit of Panamanians, always willing to shake hands with those who suffer in Panama or anywhere,” Cortizo Cohen said.
The president added that the best reward is to know that they have risked their lives to help another human being, and they will always carry that in their conscience and in their hearts. “Be assured that the Homeland recognizes and appreciates your effort and sacrifice,” he said.
The National Government, demonstrating its vocation for service and human solidarity, sent this group of Panamanian specialists after the international request made by Turkey, through the Embassy of Panama in that country, a request that was accepted by President Cortizo Cohen.
In this international mission, led by the National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC), and which was fully fulfilled with great commitment and professionalism, 20 men and 2 women participated. Also, two hunting dogs, Toreto-Junior and Rex, a Belgian shepherd Malinois and a farmer, respectively, a team that gave their best in this country commitment.
The USAR Panama team, specialized in light structures, remained for 15 days in Turkey, putting into practice all its knowledge, techniques and skills for the benefit of the international community, a commitment that was thanked by the Government and the Turkish people, through the corresponding diplomatic channels.
This international contingent was made up of specialists with more than 20 years of experience in canine search, rescue, rescue, planning, evaluation, medical logistics and paramedics, made up of SINAPROC, SENAFRONT, SENAN, National Police, Meritorious Fire Department of the Republic of Panama, Social Security Fund, Panamanian Red Cross, and who have had successful experiences in search,
According to the International Search and Rescue Operations Advisory Group (INSARAG), the USAR team specializes in the location, extraction and initial stabilization of people trapped in enclosed spaces or under debris due to a structural collapse.
President Cortizo Cohen was accompanied in this act by the ministers of Government, Roger Tejada; and of Security, Juan Pino; Carlos Rumbo, director of SINAPROC, among other authorities.