President Abbas holds talks in Ramallah with Panamanian counterpart

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

President Mahmoud Abbas held talks on Friday night with President of Panama Juan Carlos Varela at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah during which President Abbas briefed his guest on the latest developments in the Palestinian territories and developments in the political process following the American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer of its embassy to the holy city.

The President stressed the need to find an international mechanism to achieve peace on the bases of relevant United Nations resolutions following the US steps in Jerusalem and after removing the refugee issue from the negotiating table.

He pointed to the need for immediate action by the international community to provide international protection for the unarmed Palestinian people, who came out with peaceful demonstrations to demand their legitimate rights while Israel responded with live gunfire at the demonstrators killing and wounding dozens of people.

President Abbas called for developing relations between Palestine and Panama for what would be in the best interest of the two friendly peoples.

In a joint press conference following their meeting, President Abbas said, “We are pleased to welcome you here in Palestine, and we are confident that this visit will have a positive impact on the development of friendly relations and cooperation between our peoples and our countries in the diplomatic and economic fields and at the level of investment between businessmen.”

He added: “We are proud of the contributions of hundreds of families from the Palestinian community in your country and the Panamanian community in our country, who were and continue to represent a bridge of friendship between our peoples and our two countries.”

He stressed the importance of continuing contacts and meetings at all levels in both countries to achieve strong and distinctive relations.

On his part, President Varela  said the visit to Palestine came “to affirm our support for the establishment of the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel to live in peace and security.”

He said, “Panama is determined to play an active and constructive role in the political process that exists through the two-state solution, and Panama will also act as a mediator to find a solution that will end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

The two leaders and their delegations attended a Ramadan Iftar at the presidential headquarters.

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