Positive Outlook for Panama’s Debt

News from Panama / Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

S & P has improved Panama’s outlook from stable to positive, re-affirming its BBB risk rating based on factors such as “high and consistent economic growth and a stable fiscal policy”.

The rating granted by Standard & Poor’s recognized “ … the progress made by Panama in recent years for the automatic exchange of tax information with 33 countries and changes in legal regulations to improve transparency in the financial system.” 

From a statement issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance:

The rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S & P) improved Panama’s outlook from stable to positive by re-affirming its BBB risk rating based on factors such as “high and consistent economic growth and a stable fiscal policy”.

According to S & P, Panama’s rating reflects the record growth of Gross Domestic Product, the effective formulation of sovereign policies, its cautious fiscal and debt management as well as the Government’s actions to improve transparency and supervision in the financial system.

Read full statement (in Spanish).

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