Plastic Bottle Village in Panama

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

plasitc bottle village

A friend of mine sent me this article.  There is a guy in Bocas del Toro activley involved in building a community of homes using plastic bottles!!

Average humans can consume 15 or more drinks in plastic bottles a month. If you were born after 1978, and live until 80 years old, you will leave behind a minimum of 14,400 plastic bottles on this planet. These bottles take hundreds of years to break down into tiny pieces of plastic, never to completely disappear. Most of the waste is consumed by fish and birds, which has shortened their lifespans greatly.

If you live in a two story plastic bottle house of 100 square meters or 1,000 square feet per floor, then your house will be built reusing 14,000 plastic bottles. These recycled bottles could neutralize the negative effect of your passage on this planet,  and move closer to leaving only your “footprints”.

The re-use of its core materials allows, the Plastic Bottle Village to build homes in a fraction of the time, and at a huge savings in the cost of re-construction, compared to the traditional materials used locally.

The Plastic Bottle Village is an
eco-residential community set into the heart
of the islands, jungle interior.

The Village is designed to co-exist with nature, and the lush tropical jungle. The community is located on some of Isla Colon’s most prime real estate. Residents of this exclusive community will be ensured positive R.O.I on their home/land purchase, while doing their part to change the world in a positive direction.

The community is nestled into 83 acres of established jungle that stretches from the sea, and future boat launch on the west side of the island, to the center of the islands main road, to Boca del Drago’s famous starfish beach.

See the entire article and pictures here.