Parade and Party Time in Boquete

News from Panama / Tuesday, November 6th, 2018

This last week was a short work week with everything closed from last Friday to Tuesday of this week.  The weather was perfect and the parades were as beautiful as always with unending miles of smiles  on the faces of the participants and the crowd.  We had performances by dancers and marching bands that seem to get better every year.  I fee the pride of my people here and I am so proud to say that I too am Panamanian.  I feel so at home here in Boquete and going on 12 years now, I see no reason to live anywhere else.  This is a real home town and you feel the part of belonging here everyday.

We have more coming in the next few weeks with the culmination on November 28 when we celebrate the independence from Spain.  That will be the big parade and the President will be here to commemorate the events along with our new water, sewer and road system after 2 years!

Enjoy the video !!

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