Panamanian Livestock Farmers Exploring Business in China

News from Panama / Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

In January 2018, a delegation of businessmen from the livestock sector will be visiting the Asian country to develop new commercial alliances to increase exports of bovine meat. reports that “…According to the president of the National Association of Cattle Ranchers (Anagan), Aquiles Acevedo, the aim of the visit is to look for new alternatives for exporting bovine meat. Acevedo explained that the Anagan will invest in livestock and raw materials, while the Chinese will provide the marketing, which is another way to export meat.”
The idea of livestock producers, who will visit China along with authorities from the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), is to create an alliance in which they invest in raw materials and livestock, and counterparts in China will develop the market. Acevedo indicated that “… one of those alternatives is the construction of a slaughterhouse under a ‘Joint Venture’ scheme.”
“… From January to August, beef exports amounted to $12 million, according to figures from the Anagan.”

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