Panamanian Customs Strike Could Continue

News from Panama / Sunday, December 16th, 2018

The workers of the Panama Customs Precincts and the Colon Free Zone have suspended work since December 6th and could extend the strike for at least one more day.

The strike carried out by officials of the National Customs Authority (ANA) began on December 6th, claiming the payment of a Christmas bonus, salary adjustments and the permanence of temporary workers. reviews that “… The officials are waiting for a positive response from the meeting between the general director of ANA, Jose Gomez, and the general comptroller of the Republic, Federico Humbert, reported the leader of the Association of Customs Officials, Edgardo Voitier.

According to Voiter “… the 24-hour strike ends at 3:00 p.m., but at 2:00 p.m. they will have a general assembly to decide whether or not to extend it, depending on the response they receive from Humbert.

Through a statement, the presidency of Panama made “… a call to the heads of the 147 customs precincts and to all officials of the National Customs Authority to return to their duties immediately and to fulfill their responsibilities as public officials, for the country’s well-being.

The official document states that Jorge González, Minister of the Presidency, said that “… There is no justification for affecting the country’s economy and our logistics center while agreements are reached.

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