Panamanian copper-free exports exceed US$1,000 million in 2022

News from Panama / Friday, April 28th, 2023

Exports of Panamanian goods in 2022 amounted to a total of US$3,868.3, of which US$2,797 million correspond to copper and US$ 1,071 million to products without copper, the Ministry of Commerce and Industries of Panama reported.

They explained that the US$1,071 million includes the exports of the productive sectors, which add up to US$855 million plus the contribution of US$216.1 million of the factory shipments with added value from the Free Zones/Special Economic Area regime of Panama Pacific, according to information released by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) and the platform of the

The exports of the agricultural, industrial, agro-industrial and fishing sectors, from January to December 2022, totaled US$855 million, increasing by 14.8% in FOB value, compared to the year 2021 which was US$ 744.6 million, surpassing even the exports made in 2010, said Eric Dormoi, national director of Export Promotion of the MICI.

The top 5 non-copper products exported in 2022 were: bananas, metal waste, shrimp, fish and palm oil. The 10 products with significant growth were: tuna fillets, cane molasses, shrimp, medicines, fish meal, cement, rum, fertile eggs, corrugated cardboard, seeds and oil fruits.

Among the main markets for products that exclude copper were maintained: the United States, the Netherlands, Taiwan, sales through the Colon Free Zone, and Mainland China.

Excluding copper, 77.7% of exports in 2022 were sold to countries with which Panama has a current trade agreement. In the case of trade blocs as a destination for our exports, the European Union occupies the first place, followed by the Central American Common Market (MCCA) and the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI).

“Panama continues to captivate with the quality of its products and reaching new horizons by increasing exports. The strategy is to strengthen traditional exports and boost exports of value-added products to conquer more markets,” Dormoi added.