Panama will patrol its coasts to confront illegal fishing

News from Panama / Friday, July 7th, 2023

Panama will take action to address the threats of illegal, unregulated and unregulated (IUU) fishing in its coastal marine areas, through the Ministry of Public Security (Minseg) and in partnership with the NGO Marine Protection Alliance (MPA).

The Panamanian Government announced that through MPA’s SharkWater boat, missions will be carried out through surveillance, monitoring and crime prevention patrols, after signing a collaboration agreement on December 28, 2022, between the Minseg and the Marine Protection Alliance.

The signing of this agreement, in which the Ministry of the Environment, the Panamanian Maritime Authority and the Panamanian Water Resources Authority also participate, will prevent the excessive and irresponsible exploitation of endangered species and protection of wildlife.

The alliance will strengthen the capacity to monitor the waters, combat illegal industrial fishing, carry out investigations, as well as have a greater presence on the borders of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or Territorial Sea (MT).

Pritam Singh, president of MPA, said that this organization is prepared and committed to Panama, to work together with the Minseg, the National Air and Naval Service, the Ministry of Environment and other government institutions against illegal fishing and other related criminal activities. “I trust that the results will be good for the country and its people, in addition to serving as a reference for the region and the world.”

Marine Protection Alliance is an American NGO that protects marine areas from illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, as well as other related criminal activities, assisting and working closely with the relevant authorities in the CMAR region.

Among the established commitments is the guidance and training of coastal communities near protected areas and educational campaigns, with the aim of creating awareness of ethical and responsible fishing, the importance of conservation and prevention of damage to marine flora and fauna.