Representatives of the maritime, logistics and transport sectors of Latin America will meet from July 19 to 21 in Panama, for the Latin American Merchant Marine Industry Summit (LAMMIS 2023), with a view to integrating the entire value chain of cargo handling and disposal, revealed the Panamanian Association of Marine Officers (APOM).
APOM as the organizing entity of LAMMIS 2023 together with the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP), reported that the space will allow to put into perspective the experiences and knowledge about the trends and challenges demanded by present and future times.
In a press release, Alberto Herrera, president of the summit and former president of the APOM, stressed that despite the impact of the pandemic on acquisitions and It was vital for the world.
He recalled that five years ago in a forum held in the country, the needs of the industry and its trends worldwide were exposed, with the idea of helping cadets and naval officers to get a job.
Herrera said that “it is the first time in Panama (with the summit) that we are sitting, at the same table, the different actors that make up
The organization hopes that the summit will continue to be held annually, or biannually, as part of a process in which other actors are integrated.
In addition, they recognize that the objective of the event is to implement with the meeting, a window of promotion and update aimed at different sectors of the maritime and port industry at the Latin American level, to strengthen the ties of cooperation.