Panama: Use of Plastic Bags Banned

News from Panama / Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

Panama is taking a brave step in banning plastic bags.  Cost of biodegradable bags are higher and I am not sure how they will enforce this new law but still, it is a step in the right direction.

As of January 19, supermarkets, pharmacies and retailers have 18 months to stop using plastic bags, and warehouses and wholesalers will have a period of 24 months.

Last Friday, the sanction of Law 1 of January 19, 2018, was published in the Official Gazette, a law which prohibits the use of polyethylene bags in supermarkets, self service shops, warehouses or shops in general to transport products or merchandise.

See: “Plastic Bags Banned in Panama

According to article 2 of the Law, the replacement of plastic bags with reusable bags will be progressive ” … within the following periods: 

  1. Eighteen months, counted from the enactment of this Law, for supermarkets, pharmacies and retailers
  2. Twenty-four months, counted from the enactment of the Law, for warehouses and wholesalers.

The Law states that “ … the Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition Authority will be responsible for the application of the Law and for inspection of the replacement referred to in Article 2.

See full publication in the official newspaper La Gaceta (in Spanish).

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