Panama: Sustainable Tourism in Ecological Reserves

News from Panama / Monday, March 14th, 2016


The plan to promote ecotourism presented by the government and companies includes putting out to tender installation of restrooms, accommodation and food services in protected areas.

The Government of Panama, through the Ministry of Environment (MIAMBIENTE), the Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) and the National Institute of Culture (INAC), and with the support of the Chamber of Tourism of Panama (CAMTUR) has presented a vision and a Green Tourism action plan that will enable Panama to build its country brand.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Environment, the Plan includes the provision of infrastructure to facilitate ecotourism in the Isthmian territory. To achieve this, promotion has been given to the development of criteria for granting concessions and shared management in protected areas; and the development of guidelines, methodologies and regulations for public use plans in protected areas.

Also included is the preparation of eight public use plans and studies on limiting the acceptable amount of change in protected areas selected by the Project; as well as improvements in infrastructure for ecotourism in the protected areas of Coiba National Park, Baru Volcano National Park and Soberania National Park. also gives details on the technical consultancy for the project which “… will have GEF-IDB funds ($4,000,000), public national contributions ($1.5 million) and contributions in kind from a cluster of environmentalist NGO´s and private companies.

“… The Minister of Environment, Mirei Endara explained that several services will be tendered within protected areas in order to provide facilities to tourists, such as restrooms, lodging and food services. Gustavo Him, administrator of the ATP, also said that a $31 million tender will be launched in the next two years for advertising to promote the country locally and abroad, where eco – tourism, along with business and shopping tourism will be part of the arguments used to attract tourists.”