Panama: Security Seal for Exporting Wood

News from Panama / Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

The government approved the implementation of a security seal to be used for transport in closed containers of wood for export from commercial plantations.

Resolution No. DM-0193-2019, published in the Gaceta Oficial at the beginning of June, establishes that the Asociación Nacional de Reforestadores y Afines de Panamá (Anarap) is authorized to supply security seals at the national level.

Bianca Moran, president of Anarap, explained to that “… this new regulation is to improve efficiency and minimize transportation times of teak in containers from forest plantations. Improved efficiency in the transportation of wood would also reduce transport costs, which are currently very high. Moving the wood by land from the production areas to the port is more expensive than shipping.

You may be interested in “Wood: Regional Sales up to September 2018

Moran added that “… A container that leaves the province of Chiriqui with wood from commercial plantations to the port of Manzanillo International Terminal has a cost of $1,100, while shipping to India of that container costs $800.”

Reports from CentralAmericaData state that from January to September 2018 the main regional exporter of wood and its manufactures was Costa Rica, with $58 million, followed by Panama, with $49 million, Honduras, with $45 million, Guatemala, with $42 million, Nicaragua, with $6 million and El Salvador, with $5 million.

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