Panama: Rio Hato Wants to Attract More Tourism

News from Panama / Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Creating a brand identity for the tourist area of Río Hato, attracting more airlines and carrying out joint promotional efforts is what hoteliers in the area are proposing in order to encourage the arrival of tourists.

Although the strip of beach in the Panamanian Pacific does not yet meet the international standards required to be considered a renowned tourist destination, the owners of hotel businesses in the area believe that the area’s potential is interesting and could be further exploited. At the moment there are less than 5 thousand rooms and although there is the Scarlett Martinez airport, the only flights that arrive frequently are charter flights.

See also: “Incentives for Local Tourism in Panama

Fernando Duque, secretary of the board of directors of Bristol Hospitality Group, that operates the hotel The Buenaventura, told that   “…  a brand needs to be created that identifies the beach destination.‘The area is individually marketed as Farallón, Rio Hato, Playa Blanca, and that does not allow it to have a single identity that would make it possible to market the destination properly.'”

“… Jorge Loaiza, advisor of the Decameron chain, believes that in addition to a unifying brand, an instrument or incentive is needed that would make the big chains cast their eyes back on Rio Hato.”

Source: CentralAmerica Data.COM

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