Panama rejects a shipment of Spanish purple onions due to the presence of mites

News from Panama / Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

Panama’s Food Authority (Aupsa) rejected the entry into Panama of about 162,000 purple onions from Spain after a plague of live and high-risk parasites for ornamental plants, which is scientifically known as Rhizoplyhus spp and commonly known as bulb mites, was detected in this shipment.

After the Panamanian phytosanitary service confirmed the presence of the plague, the authority determined to return all of the shipment to its country of origin.

Raul Saucedo, the administrator of the Aupsa, said that the institution had been continuously threatened by this type of invasion in December. “We are a security institution, not a fumigation company. Those who bring food to Panama should be aware that fumigating their products is a rule that cannot be avoided,” said Saucedo.

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