Panama regulates music therapy as a therapeutic activity

News from Panama / Friday, October 28th, 2022

The law recognizes the profession and exercise of music therapy as a therapeutic activity of prevention and rehabilitation.

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, passed Law 332 of October 27, 2022, which regulates music therapy as a therapeutic activity in Panama. The law recognizes the profession and exercise of music therapy as a therapeutic activity, recognizes music therapists as professionals who use music or elements that constitute it as specific resources for therapeutic intervention in various areas and with multiple groups.

It establishes music therapy as a therapeutic activity of prevention and rehabilitation through the professional use of music, carried out by professionally trained people and intended for people with disabilities and those who are instructed to have such treatment to facilitate communication, interrelationship, learning, mobilization, expression, and organization.

According to the document, to practice music therapy it is necessary to be a professional with a degree in Music Therapy granted by a duly accredited university. If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, the basic training to access a master’s or doctorate must be related to a university career in the area of health, education, music and social sciences.

They may issue reports and evaluations, plan and supervise music therapy treatments, carry out studies, organize programs, carry out outreach activities, and participate in the definition of health policies and programs within the scope of their competence.

The law states that public institutions that provide medical services must offer medical coverage for treatment through music therapy.
