Panama Is Re-Elected In “A” Category Of The Council Of The International Maritime Organization

News from Panama / Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019

Panama, the world largest Ship Registry, has been re-elected in Category “A” of the Council of the International Maritime Organization which reiterates the position of the registry and its leadership.

Panama has been in Category “A” of the Council since 2003, demonstrating a high level of commitment to the Organization. Only 40 countries of the 174 that are members of the IMO are part of the Council, of which 10 are in Category “A” with the greatest interests in the provision of international maritime services.

The Panamanian Registry is one of the oldest registries in the world. It was established in 1917; more than a century later, the Panama Maritime Authority which oversees the Ship Registry continues to be recognized as a responsible Administration, committed to its customers, offering services with high levels of quality, believing in continuous improvement.

“We feel committed and it is our responsibility to work on behalf of maritime safety, against environmental pollution, ensure that standards on board ships are maintained in favor of our crews and we have supported the empowerment of women in the maritime sector, among other important issues.,” said the head of the Registry, Rafael Cigarruista.

“Panama has its eyes pointing to the future and works to remain a leader in the flagging of ships worldwide, ensuring that they comply with established safety levels”.
Source: Panama Maritime Authority

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