Panama: Public Spending Up 30%

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

In the first quarter of this year, total expenses of the Non-Financial Public Sector increased by 30% with respect to the same period in 2017, mainly explained by an increase in current expenditure.

From a statement issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance:

May 9, 2018. Total revenues of the Central Government (CG) were B /. 1,705 million dollars, which reflects a significant increase of 1.7% with respect to the same period in 2017, informed the Ministry of Economy and Finance in its preliminary report on the Fiscal Balance of the Non-Financial Public Sector (SPNF) corresponding to the first quarter of 2018 .

Tax revenues, in the period in question, amounted to B / .1,382 million, increasing by 0.8%; while non-tax revenues reached the figure of B / .324 million, that is to say, 6% more than in the same period of the previous year.

Read full report.

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