Panama: Private sector Asks For Economy Not to be Neglected

News from Panama / Wednesday, March 11th, 2015


The productive sector requests the government to focus in the real needs the economy has while it concentrates on prosecuting the alleged crimes of past administrations.

From a statement issued by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP):

It’s been 8 months since the current administration assumed power granted by the people. In this period, although we have seen events that have overwhelmed us in the management of the public arena, products of the accusations of crimes against the public administration and the privacy which occurred in the previous period, authorities have assumed the responsibility of conducting the relevant investigations .

As we have stated on numerous occasions, we trust that these processes will be carried out within what is established in our laws, respecting the presumption of innocence and strict adherence to due process. In turn, we hope that those found guilty of the charges against them, whether former officials or businessmen, will receive punishment which is exemplary for both our country and the region.

Without putting these issues aside, we appeal to the government, the private sector and society in general to refocus efforts to maintain the usual dynamics of the productive sectors.