Panama: Potential of State Land

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

I have a friend in the City that specializes in Colon and the Free Trade zone.  He also keeps watch on the list of properties that the government is selling and from time to time comes across some real opportunities.  there are two properties near Colon that are coming on the market that might be opportunities to get in on the explosive growth in trade with the US that is expected beginning this year.

Seven areas of reverted properties have features that make them ideal for uses such as residential developments, storage and logistics areas, or ports and shipyards.

A World Bank study commissioned by the Panamanian government indicates the optimum uses that could be given to reverted land areas.

“The ‘Reverted Areas’ of the Panama Canal are the former Panama Canal Zone area which was administered under the United States until the signing of the Panama Canal Treaty, contained in the Torrijos-Carter treaty, which recognizes Panamanian sovereignty and abolished the rule of the American civil government in that area. These areas were gradually reverted to the territory of Panama from October 1, 1979 until December 31, 1999, in view of Article I of the Panama Canal Treaty. The areas total 1474 km ². “ From Wikipedia.

An article in reports that:

– “In the Davis/Brazos and Telfers areas there is potential for high value storage and logistics services.”

– “In Isla Largo Remo suggested development includes shipyard for ship construction and repairs; In Sherman Sur recommendations are for, in addition to shipyards, cruise terminals and ancillary maritime industries.”