Panama Plans More Logistics Development

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

The Panama Canal Authority expects to tender at the end of the year several logistics projects to be developed in 1,200 hectares of land in the canal zone.

The goal of the Panama Canal Authority is to generate value-added services around the extended canal, and according to the head the institution, Jorge Luis Quijano, several state companies from China have already expressed interest in participating in the development of these projects, which could be estimated at $1 billion and would be developed over a period of five to seven years. reports that “…China Communications Construction, Corp., its subsidiary China Harbour Engineering Company and China Railway Group has shown interest in the projects, Quijano told Reuters.” The Chinese company Cosco Shipping, Corp., which has interests in ports such as El Pireo, made contact in the past with the ACP in order to see the plans for grounds, Quijano said.‘There are opportunities there for some of these Chinese companies to participate as concessionaires, not only as contractors to build something, but they can also apply for the concession and build later. “

The list of possible projects to be developed in the areas around the Canal includes a “… center of liquefied natural gas, the Roll-On / Roll-Off (Ro-Ro) center and a tourist Boulevard in Colon.”