Panama: Opportunities for Digital Trade

News from Panama / Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

With internet penetration reaching 43% and more than 7.3 billion active cell phone lines, Panama is fertile ground for e-commerce. reports that “According to studies by eMarketer, in 2012, global e-commerce grew by 21.1% to reach 1.000 trillion for the first time in history, and so far in 2013, sales increased by 18.3% and amounted to $1.298 trillion worldwide, although Panama is still not among the countries with the highest sales and buyers from Latin America, a list which includes Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. ”

Currently it is discount coupons which are the workhorses of the companies that are venturing into this sector.

“… OfertaSimple is one of them, and José María Miselem, marketing manager, says there are deals which have sold more than 3,000 coupons and most of which target a female audience. ”

“… QuierOfertas, which has a monthly average of 1,300 transactions, although the amount of coupons exceeds 2,500, because in a single transaction several purchases are made , says the head of the page, Kjeld Toruno. “