Panama: Open Logistics Center For Humanitarian Assistance In Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Panama places its logistics platform at the disposal of Latin America and the Caribbean, to guarantee a coordinated, rapid and effective response in case of disasters.

The Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance (CLRAH) was inaugurated in Panama, a logistics platform that will facilitate the reception, handling, storage, redistribution of inputs and equipment and the mobilization of human resources for an efficient management of humanitarian assistance in the face of national emergencies. and international.

The Regional Logistic Center of Humanitarian Assistance is located in Panama Pacifico, in a land of six hectares, has three warehouses with a capacity of 12 thousand square meters of storage, administrative building, parking, areas for cargo handling and control.

The three warehouses will be occupied by two of the main actors of humanitarian assistance worldwide: the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD), operated by the World Food Program (WFP), and the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent (IFRC), in addition to the National System of Civil Protection (SINAPROC).

The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, stressed that, from here, the reception of humanitarian support from other countries and regional organizations, donations of supplies, rolling and relief equipment, human and animal resources for distribution to the countries can be coordinated. that they require it in opportune time as they demand the emergencies.

The President said that in the next phase an aerial platform will be built connecting the Logistics Center with the Panama Pacifico airport, thus enhancing the reception and dispatch of supplies for humanitarian emergencies by air.

While vice president and chancellor Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado said that “dealing with emergencies, natural phenomena and catastrophes, is nowadays a mandatory task in international agendas. That is why our Government adopted as a priority in the foreign policy agenda, the provision of an infrastructure that facilitates humanitarian assistance in the continent.

Panama offers its logistics platform to Latin America and the Caribbean, to guarantee a coordinated, rapid and effective response in the event of disasters and catastrophes that affect our neighbors in the region.


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