Panama: Odebrecht Wins Sidewalks Contract

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 19th, 2016


It is about time!!   The mayoral office has finally awarded the Brazilian company a $89 million contract to improve the Via España.

In the midst of a controversial process because of appeals by two of the participants, the tender to carry out urban intervention works on the Via España has been finalised with the award going to the company Norberto Odebrecht, which submitted a proposal for $89,858,600.

The tender had been suspended by the Directorate General of Public Procurement, after the consortium Espacios Públicos Vía España, consisting of Meco and Rodsa, complained that Odebrecht had not met the mandatory minimum requirements to execute the work.

Construcciones Civiles Generales S.A. submitted a proposal for $89,559,000, Constructora MECO an offer for $93,900,298 and Conalvías Construcciones SAS Sucursal Panama made a bid of $89,550,000.