Panama occupies the 5th position as one of the smart metropolises in Latin America

News from Panama / Friday, July 12th, 2024

Panama City is positioned as a smart metropolis in Latin America, occupying the fifth place in the recent IESE Cities in Motion (ICIM) index, recognition validates the country’s commitment to innovation and sustainable development through the strategic application of Big Data and analytics.

According to Guillermo Rojas, Datasys’ Smart Cities specialist, the use of data analysis by cities reveals critical information that transforms the understanding and management of urban life.

He mentioned that from the intimate patterns of mobility of citizens to energy efficiency and public security, these tools are key to forging more adaptable and resilient cities in the future.

According to Rojas, Panama has a promising future on its way to becoming an even more advanced smart city, since continuous investment in innovation, collaboration between the public and private sectors, and the responsible adoption of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) positions the country as a model to follow for other cities in Latin America and the world.

For Rojas, Panama’s commitment to smart cities goes beyond the implementation of technologies, since it is a comprehensive vision that seeks to improve the quality of life of citizens, promote sustainable development and create a more prosperous future for all.

“Big Data is the future of cities, and the cities that effectively address it will be the ones that prosper in the digital age, Panama is demonstrating exemplary leadership in the adoption of intelligent technologies to improve the quality of life of its citizens by taking advantage of the power of big data and analytics to build a more sustainable, efficient and prosperous future for its citizens,” Rojas concluded.