Panama: Milk Plant Sold for $86 million

News from Panama / Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

While Panama has excellent dairies, most of which are in our province of Chiriqui, Panama still must import milk products as we produce only 50% of what we consume.  A lot of the future production potential lies within concentrated dairy operations.  While very popular all over the world, Panama has yet to see it first successful operation.  It is a huge investment but the returns are enormous if done properly.

SABMiller has announced the sale of the Nevada plant, owned by its subsidiary Cervecería Nacional, to Dos Pinos de Costa Rica.

Statements from Cervecería Nacional executives indicate that the Panamanian company wants to focus its business in the sector of beers, sodas and bottled water.

According to an article in Jorge Pattoni, a manager at Dos Pinos, said the Nevada plant has roughly a 70% stake in the Panamanian market in regards to long-life milk, “We will bring all our experience and knowledge of the dairy business to a company with a high growth potential. ”

The transaction will be completed upon receipt of the authorization from the Authority for Consumer Protection and Competition (ACODECO).
