The project called “Promotion of bamboo as a nature-based solution for the development of livelihoods and environmental management for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (Bambú Panama)” will be launched in Oajaca, Penonomé.
This week, the Ministry of Environment made the official launch of this initiative that aims to promote the use of bamboo to face the challenges of climate change as a nature-based solution.
The project also seeks to incorporate research-action processes with the use of bamboo to increase resilience to climate change of rural families in Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Panama, as a country binding on the Sustainable Development Goals, is part of this initiative focused on SDG number 7: Affordable and non-polluting energy; and SDG13: Promote actions at all levels to address climate change.
The direct target group are actors linked to the development and use of bamboo, including producers, technicians, community leaders, researchers, specialists from local and national governments, civil society organizations and organizational or sectoral representatives among which the most vulnerable groups will be prioritized, of which at least 40% will be women and young people.