Panama is positioned as the country in Latin America with the best environmental performance

News from Panama / Friday, September 29th, 2023

Yale University of the United States (USA) through the Center for Environmental Law and Policy, reported that Panama is the Latin American country that obtained in 2022 the best score in the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) with 50.5 points, followed by Cuba and Chile, with 47.5 and 46.7 points, respectively.

The maximum possible rating is 100 points and is proportional to the country’s environmental performance, therefore, the country that has the highest score is better addressing the environmental challenges it faces.

In this case, Latin America positioned itself at low levels, since only Panama exceeded 50 points, an average performance compared to European countries such as Denmark, which received the highest score internationally in the same year, with almost 80 points.

This indicator provides an idea of the state of sustainability worldwide, qualifying countries in areas such as climate change performance, environmental health and ecosystem protection.