The professor and director of Aquaculture at the University of Miami, the Brazilian Daniel Benetti, panelist of the Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Aquaculture of the Regional Chapter ofThe World Aquaculture Society LACQUA23, which takes place in this capital from April 18 to 21, highlighted that in Panama there is the most advanced technology in the world in terms of the cultivation of marine fish such as the Panamanian Atlantic.
In this sense, Benetti indicated that Panama must feel a lot of pride with the cages in the sea for the cultivation of marine fish.
“It is an extraordinary thing, and that is generating work, since it brings socioeconomic benefits for the country and more than all the worldwide recognition that these technologies exist in Panama,” he added.
Benetti asserted that the Interministerial Tropical Tuna Commission is in Panama and is internationally recognized, because the country has the only laboratory on land that spawns tuna.
“I come to Panama because I love the country, but here is the most advanced technology in the world in marine fish, offshore farms and tuna,” he said.
He added that for this and many other reasons, the example of Panama, which makes its best efforts to apply good technology for the benefit of aquaculture, should undoubtedly be followed.
He expressed that this is an innovative country and in every way Panama is advanced in terms of innovation, technology and aquaculture, with social and economic advantages, above all, with international recognition for having these characteristics of innovation applying to aquaculture of marine fish, off shore and tuna.
Scientist Daniel Benetti pointed out that everyone talks all over the world about Blue Economy, Circle Economy, no waste and neutral coal and here in Panama it is being done and he gave the example of Open Blue located in the International Port of Vacamonte in West Panama, that all the waste from its production in the plant is reused by producing flour and fish oil.
With the flour, components of other foods produced by the company are used and used to feed cattle, chickens, shrimp, and even the skin of the fish is used, since it is being sent to Europe to extract collagen to make cosmetic products and what remains is practically nothing, with which dog food is also produced.