Panama grants asylum to 19 Cubans held by Bahamas

News from Panama / Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

This is a sight that I saw many times in Miami as the Cuban rafters landed there trying to flee Cuba.  Many made their way to the Bahamas and before they could leave, they were apprehended.

The Associated Press

Panama’s government is granting asylum on humanitarian grounds for 19 Cuban migrants who are being detained in the Bahamas, the Foreign Ministry said Sunday.

Its statement said President Ricardo Martinelli made the decision to accept the request for asylum, adding that Panama has historically been a country that offers asylum for humanitarian reasons.

The ministry didn’t identify the Cubans involved or say when they might come to Panama.

It also didn’t give any details on the conditions of the asylum seekers, but alluded to criticism by rights groups over the treatment of Cubans detained in the Bahamas after being stopped on suspicion of trying to immigrate illegally to the United States.

“The complaints from international human rights groups, which have alerted about the treatment received by Cuban citizens detained in the Bahamas, has been one of the considerations in this decision of the government,” the Foreign Ministry said.

Activists in Florida allege that Cuban detainees in the Bahamas have been beaten by guards, denied adequate food, water and medical care, and deprived of the ability to file asylum claims.

One of those groups is the Miami-based “Democracy Movement,” led by Ramon Saul Sanchez. He and another member of the group, Alexis Jesus Gomez, decided to end their weeks-long hunger strike in Little Havana after learning of Panama’s announcement.

The two plan to end their strike Monday, and said they were grateful for the decision.

“Today we would like to thank Mr. Raymond Molina and attorney Lorenzo Palomeras together with Vice Mayor of Doral Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera and Ambassador Guillermo Cachez for their negotiations with the Panamanian government and especially President Martinelli,” Sanchez said in a statement.

The group also said that the Bahamian government had agreed to install cameras in the detention center and to work with the United Nations to expand and make improvements to the center, according to the statement.

Both the U.S. government and United Nations have criticized conditions in the Bahamas’ detention center for migrants, who mostly come from Cuba and Haiti. The sparsely populated island chain is frequently used as a transit zone by people trying to reach the nearby United States and its security force regularly detains boatloads of migrants and deports most back to their homelands.

Bahamian officials deny any abuse and are angered over calls in Florida for a tourism boycott.

“Bahamians are quite fed up with this attack on our country, which in our view is unfair,” Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell said this past week. “We spend $1 billion in the Florida economy every year. What’s the point in trying to damage our economy?”