In order to inform citizens, together with the productive sectors of the economy, about the lines of action of the Energy Transition Agenda, Panama approves the Communication Strategy for the Energy Transition after the National Secretariat of Energy (SNE) published in the Official Gazette Resolution No. °MIPRE-2023-0021773.
The strategy also facilitates its reception at the national level and has an impact on the change in behavior in the face of the production and use of sustainable energy at the national level.
In that sense, the SNE explains that its Communication Strategy for the Energy Transition has six specific objectives. Among them, introduce the concepts associated with the Energy Transition and the different sustainable energy technologies adjusted to the idiosyncrasy and multiculturalism of the Republic of Panama.
Another of the main points is to strengthen Panama’s capacity to deal with the impacts of climate change through the opportunities that the Energy Transition Agenda generates.
The strategy also aims to create differentiated mechanisms and spaces for interaction with the key actors of the Energy Transition Agenda to disseminate the actions involved in Panama’s Energy Transition Agenda.
The strategy aims to create a favorable environment in networks and in mass media on responsible consumption, savings, efficiency, renewable energies, electric mobility, green hydrogen, along with the importance of the involvement of women and young people and indigenous communities in the energy transition.
It will also guide, coordinate and monitor the implementation of the communication actions of the Energy Transition Agenda through the specific committees the implementation of the national strategies of the Energy Transition Agenda, measuring the impact of its actions.
It will also ensure that in the implementation of this communication strategy all the government actors involved and the relevant private sector adopt information and dissemination measures, being that citizens must listen to the same message from all members of the energy value chain.
How dreadful. Now you will kill millions of birds and make ill other species and your natives in the mountains and by the sea. Bravo.
Those wind turbines are murder instruments and terrible low frequency noise pollution that drives animals and people nuts.
And after 8-10 years they need to be replaced. Get buried in the ground and contaminate it badly, catch a ton of space for this type of graveyards too. And take a lot of pollution and “carbon” to make them in the first place.
Then, inefficient energy transit from them to the grid.
Solar panels are even worse polluters and destroyers of environment and nature.
Unless place atop buildings, not destroying nature with them on the ground for miles and miles, instead of plants and jungle.
Ugly as f* too. Useless when not sunny or windy.
These WEF mafia with their sick ESG, DEI and climate calamity crap is destroying the world and the prosperity of the people, with wealth transfer to a few of the criminals participating in the take-over. the WEF psychopats hate nature, to be ruining life and trees like this.
A shame Panama is self-destructing.