Panama Declares Candidate for Next IMO Secretary-General

News from Panama / Friday, December 9th, 2022

With Kitack Lim beginning the last year of his second term as Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, the Republic of Panama through the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) became the first to officially declare a candidate as his successor. Panama announced that it will support its member and the current director of the Marine Environment Division, Arsenio Domínguez, to become the ninth elected Secretary General of the IMO with the term beginning January 1, 2024.

Domínguez, who is a naval architect, becomes the first Panamanian and Latin American candidate for the position of Secretary-General. AMP highlights that 2024 will mark 20 years since Dominguez began serving in various roles at the IMO.

Lim was first elected to a four-year term that started in 2016. He was elected for his second and final term of four years that began January 1, 2020, and runs through December 31, 2023.

The next Secretary-General will take the lead of the IMO at a critical time in the organization’s history and for the maritime industry. They will be confronting environmental issues and the increasing pressures for the industry to accelerate its transition to alternative fuels. Many organizations have been critical of the IMO’s performance saying that it has been slow to adopt the necessary changes and that it must be more aggressive in leading the industry forward.

Arsenio Domínguez’s campaign for the leadership position is using the theme “Taking the lead, for a united and better future.” He says he aims to serve IMO by “putting people and planet first.”

Domínguez is currently the director of the Marine Environment Division and a member of the Senior Management Committee of the IMO. He took that position in 2017 after serving as president of MEPC. He was first appointed in 2004 as the alternate representative of Panama to the IMO and starting in 2014 he was appointed Ambassador of Panama to the IMO.

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