Panama- Corruption with no brakes

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

Press freedom, according to a ranking by the prestigious Reporters Without Borders organization, begins to suffer the consequences of a closed and non-transparent policy when the media tries to report corruption issues. In this last measurement, freedom of the press in Panama dropped one notch, ranking 77 out of 180 countries studied. “Journalists in Panama are the target of legal proceedings when they criticize government management or cover issues related to state corruption …”Every word is true. Journalists are harassed with judicial processes, not only to silence them about what they report but also to generate self-censorship in them and in everyone who is aware of acts of corruption. This is nothing more than government terrorism, promoted in some cases by judges who do not know or try to ignore that democracy is founded on freedom of the press, of thought, of opinion, and of expression. Without a free press, corruption will have no brakes and that is the reason why they want a submissive, obedient, and independent press. What we see in the Reporters Without Borders report will draw a smile to the enemies of democracy.- LA PRENSA, Apr. 25

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