Panama: Convention Center Tender in Boquete

News from Panama / Wednesday, July 13th, 2016


Tender documents are being prepared for the construction of the new center in the province of Chiriqui, which will have an area of 4,000 square meters and capacity for 2,000 people. From a statement issued by the Tourism Authority of Panama:

The first green convention center in Central America will be built in Boquete, Chiriqui province, in an area of 4000 m2 and will have capacity for 2,000 people.

chiriqui convention center

According to the manager of the Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP), Gustavo Him, this convention center will have a short – term impact on the province and its structure will be different because it will have green areas, wastewater management and also will use an energy saving system.“It will be a unique structure in the region to promote events, congresses and green tourism which will attract visitors from Europe and the US,” he said.

The location for the new convention center is in Frances, just south of Boquete.  The land was donated by Ricardo Perez who was also one of the benefactors of the International School, AIB.  Now going on 400 students strong, the make up on the student body mirrors the diversity of the foreign population in Boquete with over 25 nationalities represented there.  Ricardo is one smart man who, unlike most developers outside the United States, understands the importance of a school district in young families planning on moving to a new neighborhood.  He is building 1,000 new homes in this area and it is destined to be a new center of activity that is close to Boquete but close to David as well.  Well done Ricardo!!