Panama: Citrus Processing Plant

News from Panama / Wednesday, August 19th, 2015


Panama Fruit has announced the beginning of operations of its new storage and processing plant for pineapple and orange juice, located in the province of Cocle.

Panama Fruit explained that in the plant they will be processing pineapples and fruit that farmers can not sell in the local or international market. The president of the Panamanian company, Pedro Fabrega said that fruit which is not sold on the market due to “lack of color or size”, will be used to make juices. reports that “…Panama Fruit has exported about 400,000 liters a month of pineapple juice, to markets in Europe and the United States. ”

“… The company said in a statement that with the construction and commissioning of the processing plant for oranges and pineapples in Garicín, Penonomé (center) as well as agricultural activities related to citrus, ‘we have created more than 350 direct employees and other 200 indirect jobs in the rural areas of Cocle and Veraguas. ‘”