The Panama Canal : Documentary on the Construction of the Panama Canal (Full Documentary)

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

My friend Gilberto Young sent me a copy of this documentary and while it is long, it is very thorough in the story of the Canal. A very Long video, but an excellent presentation,  showing the history of the PANAMA CANAL during the days of its construction, that was authorized by the former US president,

TEDDY ROOSEVELT, who had liberated PANAMA from the clutches of COLOMBIA, and took over the construction of the PANAMA CANAL, when FRANCE´s  engineer, DE LESSEPS could NOT continue to construct the CANAL,  because he could not get rid of the yellow fever transmitted by mosquitoes bites, which was causing the death of hundreds of canal construction workers, who were digging the ditch across the ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, to unite the ATLANTIC OCEAN, with the PACIFIC OCEAN, WEST of the ISTHMUS…

A US doctor,  by the name of GORGAS,  discovered that it was the bites of the mosquitoes that had transmitted the YELLOW FEVER to the construction workers, and he found the solution for  exterminating the mosquitoes from the ISTHMUS, and developed a serum that cured the workers, and  saved them from dying, and thereby,  completed the construction of the PANAMA CANAL…

The ” BELIEVE IT or NOT” , had classified the PANAMA CANAL, as one of the 8th WONDERS OF THE WORLD,,,,along with the PYRAMIDS  in EGYPT, along with then other 6 WONDERS OF THE WORLD…

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