Panama: Bank Information Linked to Stock Market

News from Panama / Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

bank links

The Superintendency of Securities will be able to access banking information through the Superintendency of Banks, and share it with foreign regulators under the framework of international research on shares.

Marelissa Quintero, superintendent of Securities Market, told that “… under the law irregular transactions can be traced in the context of an investigation where there are indications of irregularities and violations in the securities market … “. Also, she stated that “… foreign regulators may therefore request assistance from their Panamanian counterparts …”.

The amendment authorizes the superintendent to “… require of any person, natural or juridical, to send information or documentation necessary for the purposes of effective investigation or for the purpose of sharing with authorities or foreign supervisors monitoring the market …”

“… With this measure Panama aims to improve its position on the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), of which Panama is a member. “