Panama and Colombia Negotiating Over Tax Information

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

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Amid the Panama Papers crisis, the Panamanian and Colombian governments have resumed talks to reach an agreement on the exchange of tax information.

From a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Panama:

The Republic of Panama resumed (on Wednesday 13 April) in Bogota, negotiations with the Republic of Colombia for Cooperation between Administrative Authorities on money laundering and other issues, and for an agreement to avoid double taxation.

The Panamanian delegation, led by Farah Urrutia, Director of Legal Affairs and Treaties at the Foreign Ministry, will try to focus the talks within the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the foreign ministers of Panama, Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado, and Colombia, Maria Angela Holguin, in October 2014. “It is in our interest that the interests of both nations be addressed and satisfied,” said Urrutia.