Panama achieves international recognition for its efforts to improve Investor Relations, according to the “Investor Relations and Debt Transparency Report, 2024” of the International Institute of Finance.

News from Panama / Friday, August 23rd, 2024

The International Finance Institute published on July 1, 2024 the “Report on Investor Relations and Debt Transparency, 2024″ in which they recognize the effort of the Republic of Panama to improve performance in its Investor Relations. This report is based on tangible evidence about the ease and transparency of access to information about the debt of 50 countries in emerging and border markets.

In this report, Panama is ranked #4 in “Appetite for Debt of Emerging Markets,” #17 in “Relations with Investors”, #4 in “Change in Investor Relations”, #22 in “Debt Transparency” and #22 in the “Dissemination of Data and ESG Policies”.

The highlights are, 1) equipment available to attend to requests, 2) visibility of future policies, 3) website in English and Spanish, 4) breakdown of data broken down by sectors and sources, 5) availability of historical documents. Areas of improvement are focused on the availability of some reports in English, the possible increase in the number of virtual or live presentations, the translation of the INEC website into English and the use of the IMF’s SDDS/SDDS Plus standards in our data presentation.