Panama: $18 million for Construction of Marina

News from Panama / Monday, February 27th, 2017

cruise ship terminal

An environmental impact study has been submitted for a project to build a marina and breakwater in Isla Perico, Panama Province.

According to CentralAmericaData’s system for identifying Construction Projects, the project involves the construction of a marina and breakwater, to be developed in three phases, in a total area of 6.9 hectares in Perico Island.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submitted to the Ministry of Environment by Brisas de Amador S.A. and Island Strategic Ventures Inc., indicates that the project will provide water services such as repairs to pleasure craft, services for supplying pleasure ships with international navigation and on inland waters, and receipt and processing of solid and liquid wastes, among others.

The EIA also indicates that the estimated total investment is $17.5 million.