Panama: 10 MW Solar Plant Connected

News from Panama / Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

solar array

The Solar photovoltaic plant located in the province of Cocle has the capacity to generate 9.9 MW.

From a statement issued by Solarcentury:

The photovoltaic project has been built for the EcoSolar investment fund, based in Panama.

Solarcentury is building Divisa Solar, one of the largest solar plants connected to Panama’s spot market in the province of Cocle. The 9.9 MWp system, connected to the national grid, generates the equivalent amount of electricity as that consumed by 3,000 households. Besides helping to diversify the country’s energy matrix, the system avoids the emission of over 4,850 tonnes of CO2 every year.

The fact that solar projects like this are possible without subsidy, clearly demonstrates the opportunity that solar energy has in Panama. More and more countries worldwide are reaching parity pricing (grid-parity), making solar energy an economically attractive option.