Panama: “If You Build it, They Will Come.” Maybe Not!

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

This is a very good article that speaks to Panama’s growth and the challenges that we face in the future.

Panama: “If You Build it, They Will Come.”
These were the famous words whispered by the ghost of Shoeless Joe Jackson in The Field of Dreams. Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner, literally bets the family farm to build a baseball diamond in the middle of a corn field in rural Iowa, bringing his family to the brink of ruin. Fortunately, in true Hollywood style, the ghost’s advice pays off and droves of tourists miraculously arrive at the last second, saving the struggling farmer from bankruptcy. In a similar way, Panama is betting the family farm to build an improbable megapolis of glass and steel out of steamy swamplands in the hope that it will become the Singapore of Latin America. A dozen families who once operated wholesale businesses in the Free Zone are now the construction magnates who are driving the modernization of the Panamanian skyline.   Read the entire article  Panama: If you build, they will come