Opportunities from Panama – Israel FTA

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Israel may become the entrance door to the Middle East for the Panamanian exports.

In 2013, Panama generated $1.47 million exporting its own products to Israel and about $86,000 from re-exports. A free trade agreement with Israel, a process that has just begun with the completion of the first round of talks in Jerusalem, could become a valuable opportunity to increase the numbers of agricultural exports and those from other productive sectors. For its part, Israel offers trade in technology, innovation in agricultural techniques, medicines and security.

Ilan Shatz, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture Panama – Israel (CCIAPI) told Laprensa.com that:” The first and most interesting product for us is Panamanian pineapples,” he began. “The price of a pineapple … [which is] tasteless costs 30 shekels, that’s roughly $9. In Panama, a sweet pineapple costs a dollar … We are talking about a very interesting business opportunity,” said the businessman after highlighting other agricultural products of interest to Israelis such as papaya, coffee and coconuts from Panama.”