Odebrecht’s Hydroelectric Concession Recalled

News from Panama / Monday, January 30th, 2017


The construction company has one week to respond to the proposal put forward by the Panamanian government, which is geared towards cancelling the award of the Chan II hydroelectric station at no cost to the State.

The Ministry of Finance submitted the proposal to the Brazilian construction company on January 26, and it has one week to respond and start to coordinate the withdrawal from the construction project on the dam now known as Bocas del Toro.

“… The information was confirmed by De La Guardia to the media after a meeting with the Prosecutor of the Nation, Kenya Porcell.  ‘The government‘s position was set out, the document was handed over in order to finish as soon as possible, said the official. He added that the State set out in the negotiations that the cancellation of the concession would be without payment of financial compensation from public funds.”

Prensa.com reports that “…The contract for the design and construction of the hydroelectric plant Bocas del Toro, formerly called Chan 2, has received two addendums to extend the period of construction of the work awarded to the company Odebrecht Energy Luxembourg on June 5, 2014, now called Odebrecht Latin Fund.”