Now Del Monte wants Baru’s Bananas

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 28th, 2015


Del Monte has replaced Chiquita in the attempt to revive banana production in the 1,765 acres owned by the cooperative of former employees, in Chiriqui.  This is a huge move that will help out the area greatly.

Previous negotiations were suspended earlier this year when the sale was announced of Chiquita Brands to the Brazilian consortium Cutrale-Safra, who requested an extension of the deadline for negotiations until next December.However, the company Del Monte has also shown interest in reviving the banana lands, and will be reviewing and updating its proposal for presentation at the next meeting to be convened in eight days.

Isaiah Bonilla, president of the Association of Agricultural Producers (Aparad), told that “… Representatives of Cutrale-Safra asked for a deadline of December to resume negotiations, but the 1,765 producers can not wait any longer. “”… If the negotiations go ahead, Aparad members will commit themselves to working without unions or cooperatives … ”

“… Reactivating the banana lands in Baru requires an investment between $36 million and $40 million and the company Del Monte would be willing to put up the investment.”