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Amigos de Amimales is an amazing organization that helps animals in the the Chiriqui Province of Panama. Nineteen years ago, it was small clinic but with the help of Ruby they now spay or neuter 200 animals per month. This has substantially cut down on the stray population in Chiriqui Province. They are actively involved in educating Panamanians and expats about the importance of spay and neuter to reduce the population of stray animals. It’s working!! Watch this video to learn how Ruby transformed the spay and neuter clinic into the efficient machine that it is today. Because of the pandemic, some people struggles to feed their animals so Amigos de Animales stepped in to offer food and feed stations for animals. They can always use volunteers for the monthly clinics and donations are very welcome to help pay for the clinics, supplies, and to pay for food to feed animals. There are two different ways you can help with a donation: (1) Donate with a credit card payment at… (2) Donate with Paypal at:…
On Sunday July 25, Amigos de Animales spayed or neutered 212 animals with three vets and two trainees working. It was almost like old times at the clinic with so many animals and thankfully we are beginning to make a dent in our waiting list. Our total to date is now 19,668 animals. |

We still need your help with our drive to feed the cats and dogs in Boquete! We deliver 15 bags of both dog and cat food each month to those families that are still struggling financially due to the pandemic. Our campaign to raise $15,000 continues, and to date, we have raised $4,165 towards our goal.
Please help us care for animals in Boquete by donating what you can. A donation of $40 will provide food for 4-5 cats and 4-5 dogs each month, but we will be grateful for a donation of any size.
Our primary focus continues to be our spay and neuter clinics, and any dog or cat that receives our help must be or will be sterilized at our clinic. But, given these challenging financial times, we want to ensure the animals of Boquete have enough food to eat too. |
Kirsten Quimby got a big surprise at our last clinic. She had trapped one cat the night before but the next morning, there were three in the trap! The kitty had given birth during the night. Kirsten made sure that the mom was caring for her kittens and that she had enough food and took them back to the owner, Kristel. Sadly, Kristel reported a few days later that one of the kittens had unexpectedly died during the night. Fortunately, the mom continues to care well for the remaining kitten.
The cat who gave birth was probably not much more than a kitten herself, young to be giving birth. But cats can begin producing kittens at around 6 to 9 months and if they are not spayed, can produce over 180 kittens over a lifetime. That is why it is important to bring in animals to be sterilized by about 4 to 5 months for indoor cats (unless they are feral, then as early as 8 weeks) and 6 to 9 months for dogs. |
Our mission is to provide low cost spaying and neutering of dogs and cats. We charge only $15 per dog and $8 per cat. That does not cover our costs though, so we rely on donations and fundraisers to support us.
Our “non-raffle” has been a great fundraiser the past 2 years and will start on September 1st. Click here to learn more about your chance to donate to win one of 3 great prizes: Fundraiser page |
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